Earth Observation Data & Services Market, 16th edition

A 360° view of demand and supply related to Earth Observation Data & Services Market.

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Classic, Premium, Classic + EO Satellite Systems DB, Premium + EO Satellite Systems DB, EO Satellite Systems DB


The Earth Observation Data & Services Market provides a global assessment of the EO satellite-based commercial demand for imagery and value-added services.

It considers all factors that will drive growth in EO demand, including the following:

  • Outside technology advances supporting the sector (Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, downlink capacities, etc.)
  • Regional and vertical market attitudes impacting market growth
  • Satellite supply improvement challenging aerial and traditional field surveys
  • Open data policy and regulations
  • Pricing strategies and trends, barriers to entry, main challenges, end-user requirements, average spending by user (ARPU), and adoption of satellite technologies,
  • A survey of the Ecosystem and trends in fundraising, M&A, partnerships, and contracts.

This report reviews the Earth observation market.

Key Features

  • Key features of Classic Content:
    • Data & Services demand dynamics and forecasts by:
      • 9 sectors with subsegments: Defense, Natural resources monitoring, Infrastructure, Environment, Energy, Location-based services, Disaster Management, Maritime, Finance.
      • 8 world regions.
      • 3 main sensor categories: Multispectral-VNIR, Hyperspectral & Multispectral-SWIR/MWIR/LWIR (incl. GHG), Synthetic Aperture Radar.
    • Data demand by:
      • User types: B2G – U.S. defense, B2G – Non-U.S. defense, B2G – Civil government, B2B
      • Sensor types: optical resolutions i.e., VVHR (<0.5m), VHR (from 0.5m to 1m) and High-medium resolution above 1 meter, and SAR.
    • Policies & Regulations overview.
    • Benchmark of current and future supply:
      • Data supply by daily collection capacities, revisit, and pricing strategies. Roadmaps of optical (including Multispectral VVHR, hyperspectral, TIR, GHG monitoring and video) and SAR systems.
      • Service supply: Cloud computing, new scheme and prices of providing analysis at scale.
    • Ground segment operators and related services.
    • Satellite as a service business model.
    • Permanency, real-time and further Earth Observation solutions: UAV & HAPS.
    • Earth Observation ecosystem strategies and trends.
    • Funding schemes and fundraising dynamics in Earth Observation.
    • Database of Data & Services demand forecasts:
      • By sector by region:
        • 9 sectors: Defense, Natural resources monitoring, Infrastructure, Environment, Energy, Location-based services, Disaster Management, Maritime, Finance.
        • 8 world regions.
      • By user types: B2G – U.S. defense, B2G – Non-U.S. defense, B2G – Civil government, B2B
      • By resolution ranges: optical with resolutions in VVHR (<0.5m), VHR (from 0.5m to 1m), HR/MR (>1m), and SAR.

    Key features of the Premium content:

    The Premium version includes all Classic options plus:

    • A complete database of the market with a multi-level, multi-entry breakdown:
      • By sector by region by resolution range (Optical VVHR/VHR, Optical HR/MR, SAR)
      • By sector by main sensor categories (Multispectral-VNIR, Hyperspectral & Multispectral-SWIR/MWIR/LWIR, SAR)
      • By sector by user types (B2G, B2B)
    • A complete database of Earth Observation private equity funds raised by companies (operator & leading value-added service providers) with details on the fundraising stage and the value proposition.

New in Current Edition

  • Additional granularity in the premium database of the market, multi-entry breakdown to improve with a multi-level analysis Region; Sector: Resolution range.
  • Commercial market impact assessment of the Ukraine conflict.
  • Regulations’ evolutions and policy review in the U.S. and the European Union.
  • ELINT/RF, AIS, GNSS-RO/-R and Lidar satellite systems roadmaps
  • Key takeaways on HAPS supply
  • A deepen analysis of ongoing and further technological drivers on the EO market: dealing with cloud computing, automatizations, Onboard Processing (OBP) API-web platforms, Generative-AI, Natural Language processing and mesh networks, interfacing capabilities, interoperability, virtual constellations and standardization, Visual Positioning Systems (VPS), data fusion, Virtual Reality (AR/VR), and Blockchains, etc.
  • Analysis of the EO Ecosystem dynamics along the value chain.
  • A top level quicklook of the 100 legacy and promising VAS providers out of the 2,000+ Value-Added Service companies identified by Novaspace.
  • In-depth EO market analysis based on finer operators’ and service providers’ hard data revenues

Description of EO Satellite Systems Database

The Earth Observation Satellite Systems report provides a global assessment of the EO space systems market. It covers supply and demand for EO satellites built and launched in the past and next decades. The report focuses on the manufacturing and launch markets and their evolution over the next 10 years in comparison to the previous decade, for commercial, and civil government and unclassified defense satellites.

The database includes satellites launched and to be launched by 2032 with details on the operator, the manufacturer and key characterization such as mass, mission and sensor type, resolution, etc.

Key Features

The report covers the global EO satellite demand dynamics and forecasts over the next decade in comparison to the previous decade (in number of satellites and in market value):

  • Satellite manufacturing market, with a distinction made by:
    • Satellite owner
      • Civil government, unclassified defense, commercial programs
      • Constellation, non-constellation projects
      • 6 world regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Russia & Central Asia, Asia & Oceania
    • Prime manufacturer
    • Mass category
    • EO mission and main payload resolution:
      • Electro Optical: Multispectral (MSI)
      • Electro Optical: Hyperspectral (HSI) and GHG monitoring
      • Meteocean – GNSS-RO
      • Meteocean – other
      • SAR (X-, C-, S-, L-, P- bands)
      • ELINT/RF
    • Satellite launch market, with a distinction made by:
      • Launch provider
      • Type of orbits (LEO vs. GEO)
      • 6 world regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Russia & Central Asia, Asia & Oceania
    • Mapping of EO and meteo budget of civil government and defense programs in the world.
    • Ecosystem overview:
      • Analysis of partnerships and make or buy strategies of selected commercial operators, by sensor (MSI-VNIR, HSI, MSI-TIR, GHG, SAR, ELINT/RF, Meteocean).
      • Regional presence of key satellite manufacturers
      • Regional presence of key payload suppliers
      • Benchmark of payload supplies:
        • Optical spatial resolution-oriented (PAN/VNIR) payloads
        • Optical spectral-oriented (HSI, SWIR and others) payloads
        • SAR payloads

A database of the satellite launched over the past decade and to be launched over the next decade, including all Earth Observation satellites (Multispectral, Hyperspectral, SAR, GHG, ELINT/RF, GNSS-RO, and other Meteocean satellites). Some of the Database fields include:

  • Satellite name
  • Launch year
  • Operator (with region)
  • Launch mass (kg)
  • Final orbit
  • Launch provider
  • Prime manufacturer (with region)
  • Price category (launch, manufacturing and total)
  • Dual use typology
  • Main mission type (with min resolution category)
  • MSI sensor (with band type and min resolution category)
  • HSI sensor (with band type and min resolution category)
  • SAR sensor (with band type and min resolution category)

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€ 6 000
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€ 13 500

In-depth analysis of the global Earth Observation Data and services market currently being captured by the industry and forecast, including a breakdown by 9 sectors with 32 subsegments, 8 regions and 3 main sensor types.

Database covering historical data from the past 5 years and forecasts for the next 10-years by sector by region.


Single Team*

€ 8 500
Unlimited users
€ 16 000

All classic options

A complete database of the market with a multi-level, multi-entry breakdown:

By sector by region by resolution range

By sector by main sensor categories

By sector by user types

EO fundraising database by main sensor types – (Start-up fundraising)


EO Satellite Systems Database

A global database of commercial and non-commercial Earth Observation satellites manufactured and launched in the past and the next decade, with characterization of main mission sensors. Includes Optical (Multispectral, Hyperspectral, GHG), SAR, Meteocean (GNSS-RO and other) and ELINT/RF.

A report delivering an overview of the satellite and payload development of the entire ecosystem related to the Earth Observation manufacturing and launch market.

Click here for more information

Dedicated presentation session by Novaspace expert.

EO Sat Systems DB

Single team*

€ 3 000

Global database of commercial and non-commercial EO satellites manufactured and launched in the past and the next decade, with characterization of main mission sensors. Includes Optical (Multispectral, Hyperspectral, GHG), SAR, Meteocean (GNSS-RO and other) and ELINT/RF.

A report delivering an overview of the satellite and payload development of the entire ecosystem related to the Earth Observation manufacturing and launch market.

Click here for more information.

*The product is licensed only for a team working together on a project at the same site in the same company. 
**The product is licensed for use throughout the company. The information contained in the report files may be placed on the company Intranet for use of employees throughout the company, from multiple teams, at multiple sites.
***EO Data & Services Market can be purchased with the Premium content and/or with the EO Satellite Systems Database 

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